Each year we have around 10 funded places available. We also offer some industrially funded places that are aligned with the FARSCOPE programme.


FARSCOPE uses the University of Bristol's online application service. Successful applicants will be registered at both the University of Bristol and the University of the West of England, and all FARSCOPE graduates will receive a joint degree from these two institutions.

The FARSCOPE programme starts in September each year. Applications are welcome through the application period, but applying early is recommended as the places may be filled.

With your application, you'll need to provide:

  • Transcripts of all degree results available

  • Two references, or details of referees

  • A personal statement explaining your motivation and why you're a good fit for the FARSCOPE CDT

You don't have to submit a CV, although you can if it helps you explain your background. Visit the "CV" section of the form via the left hand menu if you wish to include one.

To start your application, please begin by clicking here and clicking the ‘apply now’ button at the top of the page.

In the ‘find a programme’ search bar, please search for ‘Robotics and Autonomous Systems (FARSCOPE CDT) (PhD)’

Please ignore the options of applying for January 2023 and 2024 start dates. Each new cohort starts the programme in September.

If you are given a mandatory field asking for proposed supervisors and research topic, for proposed supervisors please put the names Helmut Hauser and Manuel Guiliani, and for research topic please put ‘FARSCOPE CDT’.

If you need to upload a research statement, please simply upload a blank document.

Please do not worry if you have already completed this section with other information.

  • FARSCOPE Programme

    FARSCOPE Programme

    Find out more about the FARSCOPE PhD in Robotics and Autonomous Systems

  • Research Group

    Research Group

    Find out more about the research themes on offer with the FARSCOPE Programm

  • FAQs


    If you have any questions about the application process, funding or our entry requirements this is the place to start.