Emmanuel Taiwo (TJ)

Email: tj.taiwo@bristol.ac.uk

First Year Project Supervisors: Ben Hicks, Paul O'Dowd and Farid Dailami

First Year Project Title: Collective Robotic Additive Manufacturing

Research Group: Design and Manufacturing Futures Lab



Following my degree in Aeronautical Engineering at Imperial College London, I worked for two years at Jaguar Land Rover as an Automatic Transmission Control Engineer. I became increasingly interested in robotics, so I left the automotive industry and moved into robotics.

This led to working for a year as a Research Associate at the University of Bristol in the Dexterous Manipulation Research Group, working on projects including robotic clinical breast examination, hand rehabilitation and hand tracking.

I will work on multi-robot additive manufacturing and construction for terrestrial and extra-terrestrial applications.

In my personal time, I like to tinker with rockets, Raspberry Pi boards and 3D printers.