Nawid Keshtmand


Supervisors: Jonathan Lawry & Raul Santos Rodriges

PhD Project Title: Multi-modal autonomous navigation in non-stationary environments

Research Group: Swarm Robotics


Robots navigate the environment by using cameras to take images. Images contain a large amount of data within it and it can be difficult and data inefficient to plan using images. However images generally contain a large amount of redundant information. My research so far has been based on investigating different contrastive representation learning approaches to obtain a low dimensional representation of image data to enable model-based planning and learning. 

I studied Bsc Chemistry followed by a MSc in Mechanical engineering at Imperial College London where I graduated with a first. During my MSc I worked on developing a human machine interface which used myography sensors for gesture recognition for the purpose of developing a game to provide a fun and interactive way to enable stroke victims to perform exercises to aid them in recovering their hand functionality.

I am interested in Deep Learning, particularly in unsupervised learning and reinforcement learning. In my spare time, I enjoy sports, listening to podcasts as well as reading and drawing Japanese comics.