Student Posters
Session 1 - Morning
Poster spot light session: 10:30 - 10:45
Poster session during coffee break: 10:45 - 11:30
Mathew Jackson, “Improving Few-Shot Learning using Task-Informed Meta-Initialisation”
S1 - 01
Weronika Sieińska, “Multi-Party Conversational AI for Human-Robot Interaction”
S1 - 02
Hendrik Eichhorn, “Soft and Bio-Inspired Legged Locomotion for Climbing in Extreme Environments”
S1 - 03
Miranda Lowther, “For the Human Behind the Prosthetic: Improving Prosthetic User Health and Comfort with Bio-Inspired Soft E-Skins”
S1 - 04
Dawood Basharat , “Persistent Robot Swarms: Developing a Framework for High-Level Plasticity”
S1 - 05
Franco Labia, “Swarms for Sampling and Detection of Life in Caves on Earth and in Space”
S1 - 06
Frederick Turner, "Bird-Inspired Gust Soaring for Uncrewed Air Vehicles”
S1 - 07
Mohammed Shabaj Ahmed, “Can robots change your behaviour?”
S1 - 08
Ridhi Bansal, “Soft Robotic Cellbots”
S1 - 09
Matthew Uppington, “Evolving Morphologies for Micro-scale Swarms”
S1 - 10
Session 2 - Afternoon
Poster spot light session: 14:30 - 14:45
Poster session during coffee break: 14:45 - 15:30
Mihai Anca, “Effects of curriculum learning in RL”
S2 - 01
Dabal Pedamonti, “Hippocampal networks support continual learning and generalisation”
S2 - 02
Joseph Louca, “Building Trust in Teleoperated Robots In-Orbit and on the Moon”
S2 - 03
Peter Wharton, “Free Tendons for Travelling Wave generation in Elastomer Membranes”
S2 - 04
Julian Hird, “Stochastic Swarms for Environmental Monitoring”
S2 - 05
Avgi Stavrou, “Multi-Agent Learning for Task Allocation in Discrete Dynamic Environment”
S2 - 06
Christopher Bennett, “Investigating heterogeneity in multi-agent systems”
S2 - 07
Jhielson Pimentel , “Neuro4PD: An Initial Neurorobotics of Parkinson’s Disease”
S2 - 08